I’m glad you made it here.

Welcome! I’ve collected a number of items that I get the most questions about below.

Let me know if I need to add anything to the short list.


I want to stay in touch!

Oh good. Me too! The best way to reach me is through my website! Otherwise you can reach out on Instagram or direct any podcast related inquiries to hello@warmlypod.com.


What is Warmly?

Warmly is my latest project and one that I love! It’s a podcast about vulnerability, and I seek to engage in meaningful, honest, conversations with folks about situations or relationships they once felt powerless in. You can learn more here.

If you want to be a guest on Warmly, let me know!


Let’s give.

I’ve learned a lot about financial literacy in the last few years, and one of my favorite practices is giving back and/or paying it forward. Right now, I love giving to The Loveland Foundation and Homes & Havens.


You might be looking for a recent blog post.