Me Season

We’re probably all familiar with the idea of a “me season” that follows (perhaps) a time in life when we either passively or intentionally had to put our own needs to the side in order to deal with something, or someone else that was alleged to be more urgent. While there are many societal trends I can’t get on board with these days, the one where we ruthlessly prioritize ourselves is one I can.

The latest “me season” came after ending a two-year relationship, during which I lost touch with my own joys:

1. Meeting new people and forging new friendships.

2. Seeking new experiences/memories.

3. Creating things with my hands.

4. Using my voice.

5. Experimenting with my style.

I spent the first few months out of that relationship being completely swarmed by emotions: big, small, high, low, ambiguous, and oddly specific — often finding myself quite numb, motionless, and hopeless about my ability to derive joy from things I used to find joy in. After nearly seven (7) months of crippling depression and anxiety, a lot of the depression lifted (the anxiety wasn’t as quick to depart). And in these last 5 months, I’m happy to report that my Me Season is not just in overtime, but I think it’s here to stay.

So far, these are a few of the things I’ve done in my forever-permanent Me Season:

  1. People: When I moved to Philly, I kind of expected to take a back seat to community-building since I’d be the new kid in town. That hasn’t exactly been the case. But also, why would I expect to stop being a gather of people?! I’ve taken this as an opportunity to host a few sleepovers (grateful for the space to comfortably do so!), and bonfires for “new” and “old” friends alike — though in a way in four years all of my friends feel “new.”

  2. Experiences: I’ve said yes to new experiences, like: an impromptu overnight down the shore to watch the sun rise (and ride the ferris wheel), my first seafood boil, pouring candles, and going to a rodeo (yee-haw!). Oh, and weekly visits to the beach, which have been good for my mental health. I even said yes to a cilantro/pineapple soft serve that my favorite sandwich shop (Porco’s Porchettaria) made this summer.

  3. Create: I’ve started baking and cooking again — in ways that feel at my speed, and on my own terms. The joy I used to feel around these things was lost, so rediscovering these have been like a hug from a friend you haven’t seen in a while. I have also taken the last few months to set up an Airbnb inside of my home — welcoming travelers of all backgrounds, interests, and walks of life has been energizing, and creating a warm, welcoming, and inclusive place for folks to unwind. You can peep the Airbnb listing here.

  4. Voice: I’ve started recording again [You can listen on Spotify, on Apple Podcasts, or pretty much anywhere else you get your favorite podcasts. I’ve also used my metaphorical voice to begin writing a book! I’ve wanted to do this for a while, but having this season to prioritize quiet reflection and stepping back into vulnerable relationships has unlocked my power to share in that capacity.

  5. Style: In a shocking turn of events I’ve gotten really into thrifting — specifically clothes. Being someone who is unconventionally employed means that I’ve had to dial back the spending I love to do on clothes and find creative ways to play with colors, textures, styles, and accessories. I can’t decide which look is my favorite, but it’s probably between this or this (ironically both involve my favorite black skinny jeans from Good American).

But I’d love to know:

How is it that you’ve settled into your own Me Season?


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