Kaia L. Moore Kaia L. Moore

Me Season

We’re probably all familiar with the idea of a “me season” that follows (perhaps) a time in life when we either passively or intentionally had to put our own needs to the side in order to deal with something, or someone else that was alleged to be more urgent. Here are five ways I’ve jumped back into my own (indefinite and permanent) Me Season.

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Kaia L. Moore Kaia L. Moore

People Pleaser Recovery, Step #1

As a recovering people pleaser, I often felt I was giving more to people than I was getting in return. This tale is old as time, and I could sufficiently intellectualize the problem -- yet none of this had any positive affect on my life until I started changing my words, actions, and beliefs. Apparently this is called...boundaries?

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Kaia L. Moore Kaia L. Moore

That one time I did boudoir

I believed boudoir was an experience that women suffered uncomfortably through to give their admirers a token, a prized gift. Women, offering up their bodies and their discomfort for someone else’s pleasure. I’m so glad I was wrong.

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